- What 's this smell? something 's burning. oops! the fish ! 这是什么味道? 有什么东西烧焦了? 啊,是鱼!
- What' s this horrible gunge in the bottom of the bucket ? 水桶底部黏乎乎怪恶心人的东西是什麽?
- What‘s this "TRAX" thing? Where are the real NLA functions? 是干什么的?真正的非线性功能又在哪里?
- What’s this in your pencil box? It’s a pencil sharpener. 你文具盒里这是什么?是卷笔刀。
- What’s this English?A. an B. on C. in 2.She has an . 七年级英语期中复习专项训练,共2页,包含单选、阅读等题型,适合学生练习。
- This Like to speak that he is an idiot. 这等于说他是个笨蛋。
- Let's discuss this like civilised people. 让我们像文明人一样心平气和地讨论。
- Let's discuss this like civilized people. 让我们像文明人一样心平气和地讨论。
- Summers was speaking on ABC's This Week program. 萨默斯是在美国广播公司"本周%25节目上说这番话。
- Nevan: Welcome,sir.I s this your first time here? 妮娃:欢迎,先生。这是你的第一次造访吗?
- And all this like a message comes to shift my point of view. 但是他们就像使命一样改变着我的观点。
- GL: Even though we're a weekly series, I don't treat this like TV. 虽然我们是一部每周一集的系列剧,我并不把它当作电视对待。
- Step 2 A Guessing gameTeacher shows a part of a letter andasks : “What’s this?” Get the studentsto answer the questions like this:“ I think it’s A / B. 猜词游戏丰富了学生的想象力,有效激活学生的探究欲望,符合学生的心理特点,很容易地把学生卷入到字母、单词的记忆和运用中,充分体现“学以致用”的原则。
- Clinton spoke on ABC's this week television program. 希拉里在本周ABC电视台的电视节目中发了言。
- Is this like the Shorty group?? Yet another pointless way to occupy ourselves. 本群组是开放的。任何人都可以加入或者邀请他人加入。
- We will be shavings Christmas at David s this year.You are welcome to join us! 今年我们要在大卫家过圣诞,欢迎你来加入!
- Edward III comprehended this like Elizabeth; Frederick the Great like Joseph II; Washington like Napoleon. 在这一点上,爱德华三世和伊丽莎白一样,腓特烈大王和约瑟二世一样,华盛顿和拿破仑一样,他们都有着同样的理解。
- White House Budget Director Peter Orszag appeared on ABC's This Week program. 在两年内,没有人会看到税款增加。”
- He talks like a parrot and just repeats what he heard. 他只是鹦鹉学舌,拾人牙慧罢了。
- As Bourdin appeared onstage, looking pale and prepubescent, the host teasingly asked the audience, “What’s this boy’s name? 布尔丹出现在台上时面色苍白,看起来像个孩子,主持人打趣地说:“谁知道这个男孩的名字?